Setting up signature collection

  • Updated

This guide explains how to collect signature consent from attendees during check-in at your Hybrid or Onsite event.

To add a signature:

  1. Go to Event Dashboard > Onsite > Signatures.
  2. Click Create a Signature (or Add signature if another signature has already been created).

  3. In the Signature settings, enter the following details:
    • Signature name
    • Signature details: Add a description explaining what the attendee agrees to by providing their signature.
    • Signature visibility: Select the ticket types that will require this signature.
      Note: Only hybrid and onsite tickets will be shown here. If no tickets are selected, all ticket types will require a signature.
  4. Once ready, click Save.

Once added, signatures will be listed on this page. Here’s what you can do:

  • Edit: Hover over the listing and click the Pencil icon to edit a signature.
  • Delete: Hover over the listing and click the Bin icon to delete a signature.
  • Duplicate: Hover over the listing and click the Copy icon to create a duplicate signature.
  • Disable/enable: Hover over the listing and click the Stop icon to hide it from the kiosk check-in or enable it back.

Note: Attendees will be prompted to provide their signature when checking in at a kiosk. They can review the text and sign using their finger on a tablet.

Tip: For more information on kiosks, refer to our guides Setting up a kiosk and Organizer app: Accessing kiosk mode.

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