Using tags to search for event segments

  • Updated

When joining a multi-track event, you may find the tags added to different event areas. Tags are a valuable tool that helps you navigate the event more effectively by identifying segments that are most relevant to you. This guide explains how to use tags in the schedule, in the Sessions and Expo areas. 

Tags in the schedule

On the Reception page, the event schedule displays added tags next to each scheduled item. Click the Filter icon to filter the schedule segments by segment types, tags and format. Select the tags you're interested in to to narrow down the schedule to the most relevant segments. Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 11.00.00 AM.png

Tags in Expo Booths and Sessions

In the Expo or Sessions area, tags are listed under the search bar. Select the tags you're interested in to search and filter through various rooms and booths.

Additionally, tags are shown on each Session tile, so you can quickly identify sessions that match your interests at a glance.

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 11.07.49 AM.png


Sharing Expo Booth tags with other attendees

When searching through Expo Booths using tags, the URL of the webpage will dynamically change to reflect the tags you've selected. You can share this URL with other attendees to share the exact Expo Booths that match the tags you've applied. 

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 11.16.16 AM.png

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