The Q&A tab within the activity panel offers an excellent space to share your questions with the presenters or event hosts. This guide explains how to ask a question, upvote a question and filter existing questions.
Asking a question
To ask a question:
- Navigate to the desired event area where you want to clear the chat. This could be the event-wide chat or within a specific Session, Stage, or Expo Booth.
- In the activity panel, go to Q&A.
- Click Ask a question.
- Toggle Ask anonymously if you prefer to be anonymous.
- Click Ask to post your question.
Upvoting a question
To highlight particular questions and increase their visibility, you can use the upvote feature. To upvote a question, click the Thumbs up icon located under the desired question. To remove the upvote, click the Thumbs up icon once again.
Filtering questions
To filter questions, use the 2 drop-down menus at the top of the Q&A panel:
From the left-hand menu, you can choose:
- All Questions (default)
- My Questions
- Answered
- Unanswered
From the right-hand menu, you can choose:
- Latest (default): Questions will be listed in the order they've been posted.
- Popular: Questions will the highest number of upvotes will be listed first.
- Category: When 10 questions are posted in the Q&A tab, our AI system will automatically categorize them. The AI will generate up to 5 categories based on the topics of the questions. Each new question will be placed into an existing category or categorized under 'Other' if it does not align with any of the predefined categories.