Exhibitors: Using the RingCentral Events Attendee app

  • Updated

If you're an Expo Booth Exhibitor at an onsite event hosted on RingCentral, this guide will walk you through using the RingCentral Events Attendee app to scan, manage and export leads. 

Important notes and first steps: 

  • Lead Retrieval credit: Event Organizers need to assign a Lead Retrieval credit to your booth. Without this, you won’t be able to collect or save leads.
  • Exhibitor invitation: Confirm that you’re assigned as an Exhibitor to your booth. Ensure you have received the invite and have access to your Booth settings.
  • Event registration: Register for the event as an attendee under a Hybrid or Onsite ticket (double check with the Organizer if you are unsure). Use the same email address your Exhibitor invitation was sent to. 
  • Attendee app: Download the RingCentral Events Attendee app (iOS / Android) and sign in into your user account. 

Accessing Lead Retrieval Dashboard

On the app, enter the event, tap Explore and go to Lead Retrieval.

Note: If you are assigned as an Exhibitor to multiple booths, you will see them listed here. Select one of the booths to proceed. 


Your Lead Retrieval Dashboard will be divided into HotWarm, Cold and Unsorted sections. Tap any category to view saved leads. 


Adding a new lead

To add a new lead:

  1. In the Lead Retrieval Dashboard, tap + Add lead.
    ✔ Your camera opens.
    Note: You may need to grant camera access to the app.
  2. Scan the attendee's QR code on their badge or digital ticket.
    ✔ A pop-up with their name appears.
  3. Check that the name is correct and tap Save lead.
    Note: If the lead has already been added, you won't be able to add them again and instead the pop-up will redirect you to View lead details
  4. Assign the lead to a category (hot, warm or cold) and add any notes.
  5. Once ready, tap Done to return to the Lead Retrieval Dashboard or tap the Back Arrow to scan another lead. 

Editing an existing lead

To edit an existing lead:

  1. In the Lead Retrieval Dashboard, tap one of the 4 categories. 
  2. Browse through the categories or use the search function (available on Android) to find the lead.


  3. Tap on the lead you would like to edit.
  4. In the Lead details, tap Edit lead (if you added the lead) or Edit notes (if another team member added it).
    Note: For leads added by others, you will only be able to add or edit your notes. Each Exhibitor's notes will be separated by their name, so you can easily distinguish each other's notes.


Exporting leads

To export your leads:

  1. In the Lead Retrieval Dashboard, tap Export.
    ✔  This will automatically sync any recent changes. which may take some time.
  2. Once complete, tap Done
    ✔  An email with a download link is sent to your email address.


Note: After the event ends, you will no longer able to access the event in the app to export the leads. However, a download link for the Lead Retrieval report will be automatically emailed to you within 24 hours.

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