Analytics: Expo Summary Dashboard

  • Updated


The Expo Summary Dashboard provides insights into all Expo Booths created in your event. Here you can download reports and track user engagement metrics like interest registration and URL clicks for every Booth. This guide gives an overview of the Expo Summary page and details all of the available reports.

Reviewing Expo Summary

To access Expo Summary, go to Event Dashboard > Analytics > Expo Summary

Under each Expo Booth, you can review the engagement numbers and download the reports:

  • Number of users that expressed interest: Attendees who clicked the Register Interest button.
  • Number of URL clicks: Total clicks on any URLs displayed in the Booth (social media and website links).
  • Download Booth Summary (CSV): High-level metrics for your Booth.
  • Download chat messages (CSV) or (HTML): History of all chat messages sent in the Booth. 
  • Download the list of user interactions (CSV): List of all attendees who interacted with the Booth by either clicking a link or registering their interest.

When downloading a report, it will be emailed to you. Alternatively, navigate to Event Dashboard > Analytics > Reports > Downloads tab to find your report at the top of the list. Hover over the report and click the Download icon.

Downloading Booth summary

The Booth summary report provides high-level metrics for your Booth.

You can also access this report by going to Event Dashboard > Analytics > Reports and generating the Event summary report for your Booth.

Here is an example of how the Expo Booth summary report may look like:

  • Visitors:1 Number of attendees who visited the expo booth.
  • Average Visit Time (mins):1 Average time spent in the booth by the attendees.
  • Unique Attendees That Interacted:2 Number of attendees that interacted with the booth (clicked the CTA button, left a comment in the chat, or clicked on one of the booth's links).
  • Number of Interest Registered:2 Number of attendees who clicked Register Interest.
  • Number of URLs Clicked:2 Number of times a booth link was clicked, including social media links or URLs.
  • Number of Comments:2 Number of messages posted in the Expo Booth chat.
  • Total Number of Interactions:2 Total number of comments, URL clicks, and Interest Registered.
    1 - excludes Organizers and Exhibitors.
    2 - includes Organizers and Exhibitors.
Note: Analytics may be affected if users are using Ad Blockers in the browser.

Downloading chat messages

The Booth chat report provides a log of all chat messages sent in the Booth. 

You can also access this report by going to Event Dashboard > Analytics > Reports and generating the Event chat report for your Booth.

Here is an example of how the Event chat report may look like:

  • Time: Date and time the message was posted.
  • Email
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Headline: The attendee’s profile headline.
  • Country/Region: The attendee’s country (based on their IP address; may be inaccurate due to VPN/Proxy usage).
  • Ticket Type: Name of the ticket associated with this registration. 
  • Level: Indicates if the message was posted in the thread (top or reply).
  • Text: Copy of the chat message. If the message was deleted by the Organizer, this will read "This message was deleted." 
  • Reaction Count: Number of emoji reactions left to the message.

Downloading the list of user interactions

The Booth interactions report lists all attendees who interacted with the Booth by either clicking a link or registering their interest.

You can also access this report by going to Event Dashboard > Analytics > Reports and generating the Booths interactions report for your Booth.

Here is an example of how the Booth interactions report may look like:

  • Created At: The time at which the interaction took place (when the attendee clicked on the link).
  • Email
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Headline: The attendee’s profile headline.
  • Country/Region: The attendee’s country (based on their IP address; may be inaccurate due to VPN/Proxy usage).
  • Ticket Type: The name of the ticket associated with this registration. 
  • URL: The URL the attendee clicked. This can be the Register Interest button or any of the links to social media that are displayed in the Booth. If the CTA button is set to "Link to webpage" this will show as the website URL.

Note: Analytics may be affected if users are using Ad Blockers in the browser.

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