The Event summary report provides high-level metrics for your event as a whole (ticket sales, attendee info, survey scores, etc) or for an individual segment (Stage, Session or Expo booth).
Downloading the report
To download the Event summary report:
- Go to Event Dashboard > Analytics > Reports.
- Find the Event summary report. Click Generate and select the preferred option from the drop-down.
- Once you have generated the report, click Download CSV.
- Alternatively, go to the Downloads tab to find your report at the top of the list. Hover over the report and click the Download icon.
Event summary report overview
Here is an example of how the Event summary report may look like:
- Registration Count:1 Number of users registered for your event (excluding blocked attendees).
- Turnout:1 Number of users who attended your event (including blocked attendees if they joined the event before they were blocked).
- Ticket Sales: Total ticket sales (you will see 0 if the event was free).
- Average Time Spent (mins):1 Average time spent in the event by all attendees that showed up.
- Total Comments: Number of messages posted in public chats.
- Stage Visitors:1 Number of attendees who visited stages.
- Session Visitors:1 Number of attendees who visited sessions.
- Expo Visitors:1 Number of attendees who visited expo booths.
- Networking Visitors:1 Number of attendees who participated in speed networking.
- Connections Made:2 Number of connections made during speed networking.
- Average Attendee Score:2 Average event score your attendees shared in the mid-event survey.
Average Post-Event Survey Score:2 Average event score your attendees shared in the post-event survey.
1 - excludes Organizers and Exhibitors.
2 - includes Organizers and Exhibitors.
Session/Stage summary report overview
You can choose to see a summary for all the stages combined or you can generate an individual report for each session, expo booth, or stage separately. Here is an example of how the Stage or Session summary report may look like:
- Attendees:1 Number of attendees who visited the specified segment(s).
- Average Visit Time (mins):1 Average time spent in the segment by the attendees.
- Unique Attendees Commenting:2 Number of attendees who participated in the chat.
Number of Comments:2 Number of messages posted at the segment chat.
1 - excludes Organizers and Exhibitors.
2 - includes Organizers and Exhibitors.
Expo summary report overview
Here is an example of how the Expo Booth summary report may look like:
- Visitors:1 Number of attendees who visited the expo booth.
- Average Visit Time (mins):1 Average time spent in the booth by the attendees.
- Unique Attendees That Interacted:2 Number of attendees that interacted with the booth (clicked the CTA button, left a comment in the chat, or clicked on one of the booth's links).
- Number of Interest Registered:2 Number of attendees who clicked Register Interest.
- Number of URLs Clicked:2 Number of times a booth link was clicked, including social media links or URLs.
- Number of Comments:2 Number of messages posted in the Expo Booth chat.
Total Number of Interactions:2 Total number of comments, URL clicks, and Interest Registered.
1 - excludes Organizers and Exhibitors.
2 - includes Organizers and Exhibitors.