Updating your profile details

  • Updated

Your profile details are visible to others when you attend an event. You can choose to share your full name, profile picture, a small bio, and social links. This guide explains how to update your profile details, including email and password, from the Profile Dashboard, the event venue and within a Session.

Updating profile in the Profile Dashboard

To update your profile details in the Profile Dashboard:

  1. Sign in to your account
  2. Click the Profile icon and select Manage Profile.
  3. In the Profile details, you can update the following information:
    • Profile picture: For best results use a PNG image, min size 96x96px, 1:1 ratio.
    • First Name: Add your preferred name.
    • Last Name: Add your surname.
    • Email: You can change your email address.
      Note: After you've saved the new email, confirm this change by clicking on the verification link sent to your new address and sign in again.
    • Headline: Include a small headline about yourself so people know who you are. It could be your job title, your favorite quote, or anything else!
    • Bio: Here you can include a little more information about yourself.
    • Social Profiles: Add links to your LinkedIn, X, and website. You can copy these straight out of the URL bar on your browser to ensure you don't make any typos.
    • Change Password: Click to change and update your RingCentral Events account password. For detailed steps, refer to our guide on Resetting your RingCentral Events password.
    • Delete Account: Click to permanently delete your RingCentral Events account. For detailed steps, refer to our guide on Deleting your RingCentral Events account.
  4. Click Save.

Updating profile in the event venue

To update your profile details inside an event:

  1. Click the Profile icon and select Edit profile.

  2. In the pop-up, go to Personal information.

  3. In the Profile details, you can update the following information:
    • Upload photo: For best results use a PNG image, min size 96x96px, 1:1 ration.
    • First Name: Add your preferred name.
    • Last Name: Add your surname.
    • Headline: Include a small headline about yourself so people know who you are. It could be your job title, your favorite quote, or anything else!
    • About you (the same as bio): Here you can include a little more information about yourself.
    • Social Profiles: Add links to your LinkedIn, X, and website. You can copy these straight out of the URL bar on your browser to ensure you don't make any typos.
      Note: If you need to change your email address, change your password or delete your account, access your Profile Dashboard as explained above.
  4. Click Save.

Updating profile within a Session

When joining the screen in a Session, you will be able to update some of your profile details in the audio and video settings:

  1. In a Session room, click Share audio and Video or Ask to Share Audio and Video. If a Session is moderated, you'll need to wait for a Moderator to approve your request. 
  2. In the Audio/video settings, click your tag's first name, last name or headline to update directly in the video preview.
  3. To upload a new profile image, hover over the existing image and click the Upload icon.

  4. When you're already on screen, click the Gear icon in the Speaker controls to open the audio/video settings and customize your name tag. 

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