When hosting an event with multiple event areas, you may need to send an update about an upcoming session, inform about an important expo, promote a chosen event area or announce competition winners. This guide explains how to send announcements to all attendees or a selected group of attendees during an event.
Making an announcement
To make an announcement:
- In the event venue, click the Horn icon.
- In the Announcements panel, click New announcement.
Note: Here you will also see all announcements previously made.
- In the Make an announcement window, in the Your announcement textbox, type your message (250 characters max).
Note: You can add emojis, but text customization, images or GIFs are not supported. - Under Announcement Preview, check how your announcement will be displayed within the event.
- Select who you should see your announcement: Everyone or Specific audience. When selecting Specific audience, select the associated ticket types and schedule items:
- Schedule item: only displays to attendees that have added the selected segment to their Agenda, or those who are within the designated event area for that specific segment.
Ticket type: only displays to attendees with the ticket types selected.
- Once ready, click Publish now.
✔ You will be prompted to confirm your choice. Click Publish now once again to proceed.
Deleting an announcement
To remove a test or irrelevant announcement:
- Click the Horn icon.
- In the Announcements panel, click the Bin icon next to the chosen announcement.
✔ The announcement will get removed from the screen, but will stay listed in the Notifications menu.
Attendee experience
Once published, the announcement is displayed on the screen and gets listed in the Notifications menu.
Q: How long does the announcement stay there?
A: Until it's closed by the individual attendee, deleted by you or replaced by a new announcement.
Q: What happens to the first announcement if I publish another one?
A: The first one will be replaced by the new one. However, all announcements will remain accessible in the Notifications menu.
Q: Which announcements will attendees arriving late to the event see?
A: Attendees will see the latest announcement made. This can be confusing, so we recommend updating announcements as needed. For example, "Hey everyone, the event is starting now!" sent two hours into the event may confuse latecomers.
Q: Will announcements show up in the RingCentral Events mobile app?
A: Yes, general announcements will appear in the mobile app as push app notifications and in-app banners. Users must ensure notifications are enabled within the app. To learn more, refer to the guide on Managing mobile app notifications.