When promoting your event through your company website or a dedicated third-party landing page, you can easily generate the iFrame code for your schedule and embed it on a web page to seamlessly display event information.
To embed the schedule widget:
- Go to Event Dashboard > Venue > Schedule in a multi-track event or Event Dashboard > Setup > Schedule in a Webinar event.
- Click the Down Arrow icon next to Upload and select Embed.
- In the pop-up modal, copy the iframe code.
- Paste it on your website to display. This step should be done by you or by your website administrator.
- If you're using Wix, refer to their guide on Wix Editor: Embedding a Site or a Widget.
- If you're using WordPress, an iFrame can be added using a shortcode. For more information, refer to their guide on Adding iFrames.
To change the iFrame size:
- Change the size of the container you insert the iFrame into.
In the iFrame code, change the height parameter to "100%" so the iframe will adjust to the size of the box.
<iframe src="https://schedule-widget.events.ringcentral.com/your-event-name?headerEnabled=false&filtersEnabled=true" outline="none" scrolling="yes" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>