Creating promo codes for tickets

  • Updated


Promotional codes can be an effective way to promote your event and track your marketing efforts across multiple campaign or advertisement. This guide explains how to create a promo codes for your tickets.

Tip: Attendees can apply promo codes in the registration widget. To learn more about the attendee experience, refer to our guide Applying a promo code.

To create a promo code: 

  1. Go to Event Dashboard > Registration > Tickets.
  2. Go to the Promo codes tab.
  3. Click Create promo code.

  4. In the Promo code settings, fill in the following details:
    • Promo code name: The internal name to distinguish promo codes from each other.
      Note: Use unique name for each promo code. Special characters, including spaces after words or phrases, count as distinguishing characters.
    • Promo code: The actual promo code that users need to enter (exact syntax/capitalization) to redeem the offer.
      Note: The promo code cannot contain any spaces or special characters (*?-/!#) and must be text only. Otherwise, you will see an error message.
    • Ticket discount: Select the Percentage or Amount option.
    • Discount value: Will show either as a percentage or the amount in the specified currency.
    • Total codes available: Number of codes available to be redeemed.
      Note: If you refund a ticket that used a promo code, the promo code will not be added back to the allotment in your Promo Codes page, so increasing the "total codes available" field would be necessary.
    • Promotion start date/Time & Promotion close date/Time: Specifies the timeframe during which each promo code is valid.
    • Code applicable to these tickets: Organizers can assign which tickets can accept the promo code.
  5. Once ready, click Save.
    ✔ The promo code will get added to the list. You will be able to edit it or delete it anytime. 

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