Changing registration close date and message

  • Updated


The default registration close date matches the event end date. This guide explains how to adjust the registration close date and message. 

To configure when the registration will close and the message the attendees will see:

  1. Go to the Event Dashboard > Registrations > Landing Page.
  2. Under Registration Window, in the Registration close date box, select the exact date/time that registrations will close for an event.
    Note: This close date/time will follow the timezone convention set for the event overall.
  3. Click Save.
  4. In the Registration close message box, customize the message displayed in the Registration widget when the registration is closed or all tickets have been sold out.
  5. Click Save.

Note: Opening your event for post-event registration is only possible when you have the post-event Replay enabled. Otherwise, you will see a warning message and won't be able to save the changes.

Tip: Click Reset to match the registration close date with the event end date. 

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