Troubleshooting blurry screen shares

  • Updated

To ensure optimal resolution and playback quality for screen sharing on RingCentral Events, follow these troubleshooting steps:

Check internet speed: Use to check your internet speed.

  • Minimum: 5 Mbps download and 2 Mbps upload.
  • Ideal: 30 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload or higher.
  • Use an Ethernet cable instead of WiFi whenever possible.
  • Ensure no software updates, streaming apps, or torrent downloads are running in the background.
  • Avoid heavy usage on the same network (e.g., someone else streaming a 4K movie can affect your connection).

Check connectivity settings: Run our Pre-Event Check to see if there are any connectivity issues.

Optimize video sharing: If a speaker is sharing a video, consider using the YouTube share feature in a Session or sharing an uploaded video file in the Backstage studio.  

Monitor CPU usage: Screen sharing is resource-intensive.

  • Ask a speaker to check their CPU usage:
    • On macOS: Press Cmd+Space, type Activity Monitor and check the CPU tab.
    • On Windows: Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, select Task Manager, go to the Performance tab.
  • If CPU usage is high, try the following:
    • Close unnecessary browser windows and tabs.
    • Consider turning off the camera while screen sharing.
    • Close other applications that are not needed.

Adjust Stage settings: If the speaker is presenting on Stage, Organizers can disable Low Latency Mode in the Stage settings. This may help with better screen share quality.


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