While creating and hosting your event, you can check how it looks. This guide explains how to preview the landing page and event venue, as well as how the waiting room, test run and Organizer pass work.
Tip: Preview your event to disable chat, polls or Q&A, clear chat, post an announcement, or publish or schedule polls.
In your Event Dashboard, click Preview Registration to preview your landing page or Preview Event to preview the event venue.
Waiting room
If your event hasn't started yet, clicking Preview Event will first take you to the waiting room. Here, you will see all event areas disabled and the event countdown. If the event is open for Early Access, the Networking and Reception areas will be available. Click preview the event to proceed further.
The waiting room will also be available for attendees entering the event before it begins. Here, they can create their profile and use the event wide activity panel to post messages in the Chat area, engage in Polls, ask questions in Q&A, and review the list of participant in People (if these tabs are enabled).
Test run
If your event hasn't started yet, when previewing the event venue, you will see a banner informing you're in a test run. In the Sessions area, you can see all Sessions before their start time. Sessions set as always open are marked as Open listed as expected. Sessions set as scheduled and linked to a scheduled segment, are marked as Test run and listed before their starting time.
Organizer pass
Previewing the event venue from the Event Dashboard creates an Organizer pass, a fictional ticket that allows you to join an event without needing to buy a ticket. Organizer passes are not included into the event reports or analytics but play an important role on the backend.
Warning: Without previewing your event and having an Organizer pass created, you won't be able to access the Backstage studio via the direct link.