Inviting Exhibitors to set up an Expo Booth

  • Updated


You can give access to the Booth settings to your Exhibitors. This guide explains how to invite Exhibitors by uploading a CSV file with a list of booths, send individual Exhibitor invitations, and manage existing invitations. 

Important: The option to invite Exhibitors is not available on the legacy Starter plan.


  • All invited Exhibitors also need to get registered for the event to access the online venue. 
  • Exhibitors don't become Moderators by default. They need to set up their a Booth as a Session and assign themselves as Moderators. Moderators can also create and publish/unpublish polls in their booths.
  • Only Organizers can configure the Booth's size and priority number. 
  • Exhibitors: Setting up an Expo Booth is a dedicated guide you can forward to your Exhibitors.

Inviting Exhibitors by uploading Expo Booths

The option to upload booths is a quick way to add a list of booths and invite Exhibitors to set them up.

  1. Go to the Event Dashboard > Venue > Expo (or to Event Dashboard > Content > Expo for Onsite events).
  2. Click Upload booths.
    (Or click Upload if you've created several booths manually).

  3. In the Upload booths window, click Download CSV Template to create your list of Exhibitors based on our template.
  4. Once completed, upload the file back and click Next.

  5. The columns from your file with get matched automatically. Review and make changes if needed. Once ready, click Confirm and invite exhibitors.
    ✔ Exhibitors will receive an email invite to set up their booths.

If there are errors in the uploaded file, a panel will appear to inform you of the specific row where the error occurred and what the error is. You can then go back into the document, correct the errors, and click Upload again to re-upload the corrected file.

Note: If you upload the same CSV twice, it will not create duplicate entries. Exhibitors are identified by their email address. If you make changes to any booth details, including the Exhibitor's name, in the CSV file and re-upload it, a Booth associated with that particular email address will be updated. 

Inviting Exhibitors manually

Alternatively, you can create your booths and send the invites manually. This way, you can assign multiple Exhibitors to the same Booth and send extra invites after uploading a CSV file.

  1. Go to the Event Dashboard > Venue > Expo (or to Event Dashboard > Content > Expo for Onsite events).
  2. Click Invite Exhibitors.
    Note: Create at least one booth to be able to see this option.

  3. Under Invitations, in the Email textbox, enter the email of your Exhibitor.
  4. In the Booth drop-down, select an existing booth and or click Create New Booth.
  5. When creating a new booth, in the Booth size drop-down, select the booth size: large, medium, small or mini. 
  6. Click Send Invite.

Managing invites

Once you have uploaded a CSV file or sent an invite to your Exhibitors, you can review and manage these invitations.

  1. Go to the Event Dashboard > Venue > Expo > Invite Exhibitors (or to Event Dashboard > Content > Expo > Invite Exhibitors for Onsite events).

  2. Under Invited Exhibitors, you will see the list of all invitations. 

    • Use the Search field to locate an Exhibitor.
    • Click Resend to resend the invite email.
    • Click Remove to cancel the invite.
Note: Each Exhibitor is assigned to a specific Booth. When you delete a Booth, all associated Exhibitor invitations get removed too.

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