Google Slides error in Expo Booths

  • Updated

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If you're encountering an error message when adding Google Slides as a content provider in an Expo Booth, it is most likely due to the slides not being published to the web.

To publish your Google Slides presentation to the web: 

  1. Open your Google Slides file.
  2. Go to File > Share > Publish to web.


  3. In the Publish to web pop-up, click Publish.
    ✔ Return to your Booth and refresh the browser tab. The slides should be displayed now.


  4. If needed, copy the URL and add it to the Booth settings

If your slides still don't display in the Expo Booth after publishing to web, there could be an issue with the document itself. Follow these steps to fix that: 

  • Recommend your attendees to log out from their Google account.
  • Duplicate the presentation by finding your presentation on your Google Drive, right-clicking on it and selecting Make a Copy. Follow the instructions above to add the link to the new presentation into the Booth. Attendees will need to refresh their page to see the new presentation in the event venue.


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