When setting up an Expo Booth as a Session, you can also add a pre-recorded video as a fallback content provider. This enables you to conveniently switch from a live Session to a pre-recorded video and back any time during an event. This guide explains how to add a fallback provider to a Booth and switch between content inside the Booth.
To add a fallback content provider to a Booth:
- In the Booth settings, select Session under Content provider.
✔ The option to select a fallback provider appears.
- Assign Moderators so they can switch between the content providers and have control over granting permission for attendees to participate with Video/Audio on screen. Leaving a Booth with no Moderators assigned will allow attendees to freely join the screen.
Note: Only registered users can be assigned as Moderators.
- Under Fallback provider, select YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia or Google Slides.
- Add the Video ID or the slide link.
- The Video ID is for the ID only, NOT the entire URL (unless it's a YouTube playlist). If the entire URL is used an error will occur.
- Be sure to use a video that is Public or Unlisted and not Private.
- For Google slides, ensure your presentation is published to the web and you copied the correct link. To learn how to publish the presentation to the web, refer to our guide Google Slides error in Expo Booths.
- Once ready, click Save.
Organizers and assigned Moderators can switch between a live Session and the chosen fallback provider any time. Toggling the fallback provider ON switches the stream from a Session room to a pre-recorded video.
Toggling the fallback provider OFF switches the stream from a pre-recorded video to a Session room.