OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is free open-source software for video recording and live streaming. This guide explains how to generate an RTMP setup for your Stage, add RingCentral Events Stage as a streaming destination in OBS, and configure OBS for optimal performance.
Generating RTMP setup
To generate Stage RTMP setup in a multi-track event:
- Go to Event Dashboard > Venue > Stages.
- Hover over the selected Stage and click the Pencil icon to open Stage settings.
- Under Stream Provider, select RingCentral.
- Go to RTMP Stream and click Generate RTMP Setup.
- Click Save.
To generate Stage RTMP setup in a Webinar event:
- Go to Event Dashboard > Setup > Basics.
- Under Webinar Style, select Stage.
- Go to RTMP Stream and click Generate RTMP Setup.
- Click Save.
You'll be presented with a Stream Key (unique key generated specifically for your event) and RTMPS (a standard URL used across all events on RingCentral Events) for two destinations.
Note: The first and preferred is the main RTMP server in place. Should any issues arise when connected to the preferred server, we recommend switching to the backup provider. We use MUX as the preferred provider and Amazon's Interactive Video Service (IVS) as the backup.
Tip: If your streaming software supports multi-streaming, we recommend sending your stream to both the primary and backup servers simultaneously. This ensures an automatic and seamless transition to the backup if any issues occur with the primary stream, maintaining a smooth experience for your attendees. To learn more about technical recommendations and requirements, refer to our guide Streaming to both preferred and backup/fallback RTMP endpoints.
Connecting RTMP to OBS
To add RingCentral Stage as a destination to OBS:
- In your OBS app, go to Settings > Stream.
- In the Service drop-down, select Custom.
- Paste the RTMPS and Stream Key you've generated in RingCentral Events.
- Click OK.
✔ Your live stream will now be directed from OBS to RingCentral.
Remember, there is roughly a 10-second delay between the source stream and the RingCentral Events Stage.
Tip: For further instructions on setting up and starting your OBS stream, visit OBS Support Center.
Configuring OBS
To ensure a smooth streaming experience for both the streamer and the viewers, it is crucial to follow specific configuration settings in OBS (or any other RTMP streaming encoder).
Tip: For more recommendations, refer to our guide on Required RTMP Streaming Encoder Settings.
Output settings
- Output Mode: Advanced
- Encoder: x264
- Bitrate: CBR and up to 8500 Kbps (we recommend going with 5000Kbps for 1080p and 3500Kbps for 720p)
- Keyframe Interval: 2 seconds
- CPU Usage Preset: veryfast
- Tune: zerolatency
- x264 options: scenecut=0 (this needs to be manually added)
Video settings
- Base and Output Resolution: should be the same (we support up to full HD 1920x1080p)
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Common FPS Values: 30 (we support 30fps or 60fps)
Tip: On a low internet bandwidth, you can stream with 1280x720 resolution. Most attendees will not be able to tell the difference.
Advanced settings
- Color Format: NV12
- Color Space: 709
- Color Range: Limited
Switching from Backstage to RTMP
To switch from Backstage to RTMP:
- Go live in the backstage studio first.
- Start the RTMP stream.
✔ The backstage stream will be cut off by the RTMP stream. The switch happens automatically. No need to reload the page or wait.
In case you started the RTMP stream first, you would need to:
- Click Stop streaming in your OBS app.
- Open the backstage (it should not display Streaming over RTMP)
- Click Go Live and wait ~10 seconds for the Backstage stream to start.