Understanding roles & permissions: Organizers, Attendees, Moderators, Speakers and Exhibitors

  • Updated

When it comes to creating and hosting an event, multiple players get involved. This guide defines the main roles and outlines their permissions and access. 

Administrative vs non-administrative roles

Administrative roles, including Organization admins and Organization members, apply to the entire Organization account and are granted permissions across events created under that Organization. 

Non-administrative roles, including Attendees, Moderators, Speakers and Exhibitors, apply to single events only. They don't have access to the Event Dashboard or Organization account. Once registered for an event, Attendees can be assigned as Moderators, Speakers or Exhibitors by Organizers.

Organization admins and members

When you create a new Organization, you automatically become the Organization admin and owner. Only the Organization owner can request to delete the Organization account or transfer ownership to another Organizer by contacting our Support team

As an Organization admin, you can add or remove any other team members on the Organization account, as well as create and manage events.

When adding more team members, you will need to select their roles:

  • Admins: Can access all existing events, create new events, and manage the Organization. Admins have the same permissions as you.
  • Members: Can access only the events they've been assigned to. When added to an event, Members have the same permissions within an event as you, but they cannot delete the event or create a new one. For detailed steps on how to assign Members to an event, refer to our guide on Changing a team member's permissions.
Tip: The Organization admin role is typically held by decision-makers (founders, executives, heads of departments, or the IT department) who handle account administration. Web designers and assistants can be invited as Organization members to contribute to a single event. 

Organizer permissions 

What is an Organizer Pass?

Previewing the event venue from the Event Dashboard creates an Organizer pass, a dedicated ticket reserved for Organizers allowing them to join an event without needing to buy a ticket. Organizer passes are not included in the event reports or analytics but play an important role on the backend.

Warning: Without previewing your event and having an Organizer pass created, you won't be able to access the Backstage studio via the direct link.

Note: It is highly recommended that you and other Organizers access the event by previewing it from the Event Dashboard. When accessing an event via a Magic Link, a new registration will be created, and the Organizer Pass along with all related data (e.g. created polls, Q&As, direct messages, and scheduled meetings) will be overwritten and deleted.


Attendees are registrants who join the event by accessing the online venue or attending an event in person. A user can register for the event by purchasing a ticket on the Landing page, getting a Magic Link invite, or being uploaded as a registrant. The organization admin/member can assign attendees as moderators, speakers, or exhibitors

Attendee permissions


Moderators are event attendees assigned by the Organization admin/member to moderate a Session or an Expo Session. 

Note: The Organization admins and members have full permissions and can moderate any Session or Expo at the event.

Moderator permissions

Important: Moderators have the following permissions within their Session or Booth only.


Speakers are event attendees with a Speaker profile created by the Organization admin/member. Organizers can register a speaker while creating a Speaker profile for them or add an existing registrant as a speaker. A Speaker profile is also automatically created when inviting Speakers to RingCentral Events Studio. Speaker profiles are displayed on the Landing page, Reception, and Schedule. 

Note: Speakers do not have Moderator access by default. Organizers have to assign a Speaker as a Moderator so they can also manage a Session or a Booth.

Speaker permissions

  • Participate with video and audio in the RingCentral Events Studio or in the StreamYard Backstage (the direct link is shared by Organizers)
  • Participate with video and audio on Sessions or Expo Sessions (they will need to request to join the screen if a Session is moderated)
  • Respond to Q&A and create polls event-wide
  • Preview the event before the start time for test runs.

Invited Exhibitors

Invited Exhibitors are users assigned by the Organization admin/member per Expo Booth, per event, to set up their Booth. 

Note: Exhibitors do not have Attendee and Moderator access by default. They still need to register for the event as Attendees to access the event venue and their Booth. Once registered, they can assign themselves as Moderators in the Booth settings.

Exhibitor permissions

  • Access their Expo Booth settings and complete its configuration
  • Assign Moderators to their Expo Booth.

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