Stage FAQs

  • Updated

Here is a list of frequently asked questions about the Stage area. For more details on how it works, check out our Stage tutorial.

What is the Stage?

The RingCentral Events Stage allows you to reach the entire audience in one place. It’s great for your main talks—keynotes, presentations, fireside chats, panels, interviews, and so on.

A Stages can be powered by our built-in RingCentral Events Studio (supports up to 10,000 viewers), the integrated StreamYard Backstage (up to 100,000 viewers), an RTMP stream (up to 100,000 viewers), or an embedded video. 

What is the difference between a Stage and a Session room?

The Stage area can be compared to a stage of a real conference. It's a suitable place to host your main talks—keynotes, presentations, fireside chats, panels, interviews, and so on. You can create up to 5 Stages in your event. 

Sessions are more like breakout rooms or workshops. Attendees can request to join the screen to ask questions on video or join a roundtable, so it's very interactive. You can create an unlimited number of Sessions in your event.  

How do I access a Stage?

To watch a Stage as an attendee, all you need to do is enter the event and click on the Stage tab on the left side of the screen.

To broadcast to the Stage as an Organizer, you will need to access the Backstage studio via the dedicated link. If you are a Speaker and do not have the Backstage link, please contact the Organizers.

What is the Backstage?

The Backstage is a broadcast studio with a private chat that allows Speakers and Organizers to rehearse before going live in front of attendees. It can be powered by our built-in RingCentral Events Studio or the integrated StreamYard Backstage.

Can I have two backstages running at the same time? 

Yes. You can create up to 5 Stages, each with its own backstage. If their schedules overlap, you can have two or more backstages running simultaneously. This allows you to manage multiple live broadcasts concurrently, ensuring seamless coordination for different segments or events happening in parallel.  

How many people can participate with audio and video on the Stage?

Our built-in RingCentral Events Studio supports up to 25 participants on-screen, while StreamYard Backstage - up to 10 participants. You can find more info on the limits at RingCentral Events here. You can increase this limit using RTMP to broadcast to the stage.

How many people can watch the Stage?

Up to 100,000 people can watch content on the Stage. However, the viewership limit is 10,000 when using our built-in RingCentral Events Studio.

What are my options regarding the content I can put on the Stage?

You can live stream from our built-in RingCentral Events Studio or the integrated StreamYard Backstage where you can upload videos, slides, overlays, play music, make banners, and share an extra camera. Alternatively, you can live stream from a third-party software to the RingCentral Events Stage via RTMP. In multi-track events, you can place prerecorded content from YouTube, Wistia, or Vimeo.

Can I use the RTMP option and stream from the Backstage at the same time?

Once you switch from Backstage to RTMP, the RTMP stream will cut off the Backstage stream and override the Backstage.

Can I also stream to YouTube or Facebook?

We don't support multi-streaming. However, you can use third-party software that supports multi-streaming and stream to multiple destinations, including your RingCentral Events Stage, via RTMP.

Can I record the Stage?

All Stage segments are automatically recorded by default. However, you can disable the stage recording by unchecking the record option in the Stage settings. 

Will the Stage cut off after its scheduled time has finished?

No, the stream will not be cut off once its scheduled time is over; you can continue with your presentation, and attendees will remain in the Stage area. Attendees will no longer see it in the Schedule on the Reception page, but they will still be able to find your Stage within the "Stages" area of your event. 

Is it possible to have more than one Stage at the same time?

Yes, you can create up to 5 Stages in a multi-track event. However, you can have only one Stage in a Webinar event.

Can we have some background music while waiting for the Stage keynote?

Yes, both our built-in RingCentral Events Studio and the integrated StreamYard Backstage offer the option to play background music. You can select one of the available music options or upload your own audio file.

Can I mute the audio of a participant/speaker for everyone?

Yes, both in our built-in RingCentral Events Studio and the integrated StreamYard Backstage you can mute and unmute the audio of a speaker for everyone.

How can speakers access the Backstage?

Speakers can access the Backstage via the direct link shared by an Organizer. For more information on where to find the link, refer to our dedicated guide on Inviting speakers to RingCentral Events Studio and Using Backstage powered by StreamYard.

Can speakers exit the Backstage?

Yes, speakers can exit the Backstage. You can also remove them from the screen and the studio if they have technical difficulties, etc.

Can I force people to watch the Stage when the event starts?

No. However, you can set a schedule segment as "recommended" so that it will show up on everyone's agenda and they will receive a notification when it is about to begin.

Alternatively, you can send an announcement or create a pinned message in the chat to get your attendee’s attention.

Can I make changes to my Stage details once the event is live?

Yes, you can make changes to any part of your event once it’s live. Attendees may need to do a quick refresh to have the changes live on their end.

Can I disable the Stage and just have Sessions and Networking for my event?

Absolutely! You can disable any of the event areas (Stage, Sessions, Networking, and Expo) anytime before or during the event. Attendees will need to do a quick refresh if the area is enabled/disabled during the event. 

When will my Stage recordings be available and how do I download them?

It takes a minimum of 1/3 of the recording length time for a recording to appear in the recording library. For example, if a recording is 60 minutes long, organizers can expect to see it in the library in roughly 20 minutes. However, it can take up to 24 hours for your recordings to become available. For more info, refer to our guide on Accessing recordings.

How do I share recordings with my attendees and can I delete the recordings right after?

You can download your recordings, upload them to a cloud storage service like Dropbox, Google Drive, etc, and send the link to your attendees. Alternatively, you can enable a Replay area in your event and publish your events to the Replay area. It's also possible to delete the recording from the Recording tab. 

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