Changing Expo Booths, Sessions and Sponsors order

  • Updated

This guide explains how use the priority and size to order Expo Booths, Sessions, and Sponsors on your event landing page and in the Reception.

Expo Booths order

Expo Booths are listed in the Expo area and on the landing page and ordered based on their size and priority settings.

To change Booths order:

  1. Go to Event Dashboard > Venue > Expo (or to Event Dashboard > Content > Expo for Onsite events).
  2. Create a new Booth or edit an existing one.

  3. In the Booth settings, under Booth size, select the preferred size: mini, small, medium, or large.
    Note: Large Booths are listed first, mini Booths are listed last. The Booth's size will also affect the dimensions of the banner.
  4. Under Priority, enter the priority number: lower numbers are ordered higher.
    Note: The priority number defined the Booth's order within its size. For example, Large 1 → Large 2 → Medium 1 → Medium 2 → Small 1 → Small 2 → Mini 1 → Mini 2.

  5. Once ready, click Save.

Note: When you have created Booths with the same priority number and size, the system will order the booths chronologically in the order they were created (as opposed to alphabetically). That means the Booths created first would appear first.

Tip: To learn more about setting up a Booth, refer to our Expo tutorial and guide on Image sizes, dimensions, and specs.

Sessions order

Sessions are listed in the Sessions area and ordered based on their size and priority settings.

To change Sessions order:

  1. Go to Event Dashboard > Venue > Session(or to Event Dashboard > Content > Sessions for Onsite events).
  2. Create a new Session or edit an existing one.

  3. In the Session settings, under Display settings > Display size, select the preferred size: medium or large.
    Note: Large Sessions are listed first, medium Sessions are listed second. The Session's size will also affect the dimensions of the banner.
  4. Under Display settings > Display priority, enter the display priority: lower numbers are ordered higher.
    Note: The priority number defined the Session's order within its size. For example, Large 1 → Large 2 → Medium 1 → Medium 2.

  5. Once ready, click Save.

Note: When you have created Sessions with the same priority number and size, the system will order the booths chronologically in the order they were created (as opposed to alphabetically). That means the Sessions created first would appear first.

Tip: To learn more about setting up a Session, refer to our Session tutorial and guide on Image sizes, dimensions, and specs.

Sponsors order

Sponsors are listed in the Reception area and on the landing page and ordered based on their tier and priority settings.

Once the Sponsor profiles are created, Organizers can add them to the Registration and Reception pages. Check our tutorial on adding Sponsors to your event for more information.

The Sponsor area is broken down into the three tiers: Gold, Silver, or Bronze. Gold Sponsor tiles are the largest. Organizers can configure the layout of their sponsor areas by moving the tiles around in the Reception and Registration page settings.

To change Sponsors order:

  1. Go to Event Dashboard > Venue > Sponsors (or to Event Dashboard > Content > Sponsors for Onsite events).
  2. Add a new Sponsor or edit an existing one.

  3. In the Sponsor settings, under Tier, select the preferred tier: gold, silver or bronze.
    Note: Gold Sponsors are listed first, bronze Sponsors are listed last. 
  4. Under Priority, enter the display priority: lower numbers are ordered higher.
    Note: The priority numbers defined the Sponsor's order within its tier. For example, Gold 1 → Gold 2 → Silver 1 → Silver 2 → Bronze 1 → Bronze 2.

  5. Once ready, click Save.

Tip: To learn more about Sponsors, refer to our guide on Adding sponsors.

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