Adding sponsors

  • Updated


Sponsor logos can be prominently featured on your Landing page and within the Reception area. This guide explains how to add sponsors and customize sponsor tiers.

Need a hands-on learning experience?
Check out our interactive click-through guide on adding Sponsors. Perfect for visual learners and those who want to try before they apply. Click here for the full-size screen.

Adding sponsors

To add a global list of sponsors:

  1. Go to Event Dashboard > Venue > Sponsors (or Event Dashboard > Setup > Sponsors in a Webinar event). 
  2. Click Add sponsor.

  3. In the Sponsor settings, fill out the following details:
    • Name
    • Website (including the https://)
    • Priority: Determines the order of the sponsor on the Landing and Reception page.
    • Logo (up to 2MB and 1000x400px)
    • Tier: The highest tier will be displayed first.

  4. Click Save.
    ✔ The newly created sponsor will be added to the list and automatically displayed on your Classic landing page and Reception
  5. Hover over an existing sponsor to edit or delete it. 

Customizing sponsor tiers

There are three default sponsor tiers: Gold, Silver and Bronze. To rename a sponsor tier:

  1. Go to Event Dashboard > More > Customize Text.
  2. Under Sponsors, enter your custom sponsor tier names under the corresponding labels.
  3. Click Save.
    ✔ Your custom tier names will be displayed on your Classic landing page and Reception
Tip: Refer to our guide on Customizing text labels for more details.

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