Joining an event from a mobile device

  • Updated

As an attendee, you can join an event hosted on RingCentral Events using either a mobile browser or the RingCentral Events Attendee app. This guide outlines the limitations of each option and provides recommendations for the best experience.

  • For the best experience: Use a desktop device (laptop or computer) whenever possible to enjoy the full range of RingCentral Events features.
  • If mobile is necessary: The RingCentral Events Attendee app is recommended over a mobile browser for a smoother experience despite its limitations.

RingCentral Events Attendee app

The RingCentral Events Attendee app (available on iOS and Android) is a free mobile application designed for attending and watching events hosted on RingCentral Events. To learn more, refer to our guide on Using RingCentral Events Attendee app.

The Attendee app provides limited functionality. If possible, always use a desktop device to enjoy the full RingCentral Events experience and functionality. The Attendee app limitations include:

  • Registering via event landing page: You cannot register for events within the app. You will still have to access the event landing page in a browser to get a ticket. Only events you have already registered for will be listed in the app.
  • On-screen participation: You can join a screen only in a standard Session room or in an Expo Booth (set up as a Session). You cannot join the RingCentral Events Studio or the StreamYard Backstage via the app. 
  • RingCentral Events Studio: When using Studio in a Session room, you will only see Speakers on screen without any customizations or content shares in the app. The stream will work as expected on a Stage. 
  • Screen sharing: You cannot screen share when joining a screen in the app.
  • YouTube integration: YouTube videos shared in a Session room via direct integration will not be visible.
  • RTMP streams: Unscheduled RTMP streams to Stages or Session will not be displayed. Ensure that your RTMP stream is always added to the schedule.  
  • Networking: You cannot access the Networking area and Speed Networking in the app.
  • Schedule: If multiple Session rooms or Expo Booths are added to one schedule item, only the first one will display in the app.
  • Dark mode: When you're using a dark mode on your mobile device, it will not be supported by the RingCentral Events app.

Mobile browsers supported

If using the Attendee app is not an option, we recommend using Google Chrome for Android, and Safari for iOS.

Mobile browser limitations include: 

  • Screen sharing: You cannot screen share when joining a screen in the app.
  • YouTube integration: YouTube videos shared in a Session room via direct integration will not be visible.
  • Sharing microphone: iOS users may get muted when joining a screen without the possibility to unmute. 

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