Uploading recordings

  • Updated


This guide walks you through how to upload recordings to your event.

Tip: Benefits of uploading recordings include:

  • Polished versions: Download recordings, edit them professionally, and re-upload the enhanced versions.
  • Supplementary materials: Upload extra video content or streams that couldn't be recorded live.
  • Simulive segments: Schedule videos from your recordings or uploads to play automatically at specific times on Stages or Sessions. You can also upload a video directly through the Schedule settings.

To upload a recording:

  1. Go to the Event Dashboard > Recordings (or to Event Dashboard > More > Recordings if your event hasn't ended yet).
  2. Click Upload recording.

  3. In the Upload recording window, choose a file from your desktop or simply drag and drop it into the upload window.
    Note: We support video files in the MP4 format, with a maximum size of 5GB and a duration of up to 10 hours.
  4. Under Upload to, select one of the following options:
    • My Uploads

      Warning: Videos under My Uploads are not associated with any specific segments and cannot be published to the Replay area or cut into smaller parts. 

    • An associated Stage or Session area
    • An associated schedule segment.
  5. Under Recording name, enter a descriptive name for the recording to help attendees identify the content easily.   
  6. Once ready, click Upload.
    Note: Depending on the size of the file, the recording may take some time to upload and process.

Once the video file is uploaded it will appear on the Recordings page: 

  • Original Recordings tab: Videos associated with a Stage or Session are listed here.
  • My Uploads tab: Videos not associated with any specific segments are listed here.
  • Simulive badge: Recordings and uploads linked to a schedule segment are marked with the Simulive badge.

You can change the uploaded recording's name, add a description, create cuts, download or delete it, and publish/unpublish it to the Replay area. To learn more about managing recordings, refer to our guide on Accessing recordings.

Warning: Videos under My Uploads not associated with any specific segments cannot be published to the Replay area or cut into smaller parts. 

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